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8 Easy Steps To Build Backlinks…

I believe, backlinks are a crucial part of online SEO.  Obviously this has to be in tandem with everything else  SEO-wise but it really is worth taking the time out to do this as your time will most definitely not be wasted. Set aside 30 minutes a day and make a plan of who you will contact and who you need to link to your site.  Don’t just hink major players either, sometimes, if you start at the bottom, there is only one way to go.  Up!

 I have written 8 easy steps you can take to start building a good back link portfolio, so here goes:

1. Ask people to guest blog on your site.  Chances are they will want their people to read what they have written and spread the word.

2. Always credit anyone with content and links.  Even if the link wasn’t originally theirs, its not only polite, but will help get your content out their if you say where you found it.

3. There are many PR network sites around at the moment, that basically connect you with the correct media sources.  They sort the men from the boys most of the time so you only get relevant info with relevant journos  but you have to fit the bill in the first place to be a member.  Take a look at One of my favourites. It’s social media based and can be an instant win win in certain situations.

4. If you target certain people with products or services, you could review these businesses and ask for a back link in return.

5. Read other peoples blogs and leave comments.  Its a healthy way of finding like for like and joining in others communities you haven’t been present in before.

6. Ask relevant sites for something to give away to your readers.

7. Are you listed on all the directory sites you can think of? Do a quick Google search for directories in your niche to double check.

8. You could reach out to your followers on your blog, twitter, Facebook etc. and ask outright for a back link.  You just never know!

Just remember to keep it in the forefront of your mind.  They more websites your URL is on, the better!

Good Luck!

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