For the folk that read my blog on a regular basis this post may seem a little, shall we say, ‘off brand’. Perhaps I have been reading too much of The Poke of late? As Luther said, ‘Never too much’.
I love eBay and I love it even more now I have found this seller. It’s either utterly brilliant and totally deliberate or utterly innocent and totally oblivious. Either way. I love it. Do you take notice of what they are selling?
No. But stick with it and read the descriptions I promise it will raise a smile.

At the bottom off very long and passionate product description it says “thank you again for taking the time to visit this listing …. best wishes and good luck in all of your searches ….. I hope you liked our lighting stuff ……remember that art pottery or porcelain make an interesting gift for a friends birthday ….. or next Christmas ……. even a halloween present…….. LOL ……. (well it is never to soon to shop for SOME holiday)………… and FINALLY ….. i have more primitive ….. rare ….. unusual & sometimes just weird things in my ….. BUY IT NOW …… listings .……. thanks again ……. tony , jon , mom, & nancy.
PS …. yunnow , 10 years ago ……. ebay used to be more fun …… sigh”
What is not to like about that?